10 Scientists You’ve (Probably) Never Heard of Who Changed the World We all know the big names. But here are ten important people who deserve to be just as familiar… Continue Reading →
Why Would Someone Like Me Get the Flu Shot? I’m relatively young, healthy and not in a high risk group. So why bother? Continue Reading →
Why I got my flu shot I’m 32 years old, relatively healthy and have only ever had the flu once. Continue Reading →
Three simple ways you can get started in science activism right now Are you fed up of seeing quacks peddling snake oil, friends being misled by cynical marketing and politicians putting science on the back burner? Continue Reading →
Why I’m Speaking Up for Science There are a lot of major events happening in the world right now. Continue Reading →
How David Wolfe Profits From Fear David Wolfe is a name you may not recognise but you’ve almost certainly seen his work on social media, often in the form of those vaguely inspirational memes with pretty pictures that make perfect share-bait. Continue Reading →
No, Black Pudding Is NOT A Superfood Sorry, folks. It might be tasty but it’s not going to solve all your nutrition problems, despite what the people who just happen to sell it say. Continue Reading →